Privacy and Confidentiality
Will my information be kept confidential?
Yes. All data will be stored electronically in password protected databases. Only the research team will have access to the data with your personal identifying information. Data will be provided to a National Institute of Health or similar repository or possibly to another researcher, but we will remove all of your personal identifying information (e.g. your name, date of birth, address) first so that they cannot know who you are.
What will you do with my information?
We will keep the information and blood, urine, and saliva samples we collect from you during the study, including information we learn from analyzing your samples, for future research projects.
Your name and other information that can directly identify you will be stored securely and separately from the research information we collected from you.
The results of this study could be published in an article or presentation but will not include any information that would let others know who you are.
Will my insurance company or employer obtain the information I give you as part of the study?
No, your information will not be shared with your insurance company or your employer.
Yes. All data will be stored electronically in password protected databases. Only the research team will have access to the data with your personal identifying information. Data will be provided to a National Institute of Health or similar repository or possibly to another researcher, but we will remove all of your personal identifying information (e.g. your name, date of birth, address) first so that they cannot know who you are.
What will you do with my information?
We will keep the information and blood, urine, and saliva samples we collect from you during the study, including information we learn from analyzing your samples, for future research projects.
Your name and other information that can directly identify you will be stored securely and separately from the research information we collected from you.
The results of this study could be published in an article or presentation but will not include any information that would let others know who you are.
Will my insurance company or employer obtain the information I give you as part of the study?
No, your information will not be shared with your insurance company or your employer.